Tuesday, May 20, 2014

New Farmers Market - Peters Township

On May 28th, a group of local moms in partnership with the St. David’s Episcopal Church will be launching a farmers market for Peters Township! In its first year, they have secured an incredible line up of 23 vendors offering up a wide variety of products:
baked goods
 olive oil 
organic juice
 prepared foods 
 and sweet treats (fudge, kettle corn, shaved ice, pies, cookies and more.) 
The Market has also selected 4 local artisans that will offer wood working, glass art, homemade soaps and dog treats.
  Freedom Farms from the hit reality TV show "Farm Kings" on Great America will be a part of it as well.    
The Peters Township Farmers Market
held at St. David’s Episcopal Church
905 E. McMurray Rd. Venetia, PA 15367.

For more information, please visit their website or “like” them on Facebook

The Market has lined up live music & entertainment each week for patrons to enjoy while shopping and dining. Current acts include local artists such as “The Hobb’s Sisters”, William Loughman (Classical Guitarist), Tim Amos (Singer/Guitar Player), Vinny Michalesko (Singer/Guitar Player), Dixie Weidl (Singer/Pianist) and students from The South Hills Music Academy, David’s School of Music and Peters Township High School. If you’re interested in performing, please send a message via their Facebook page or email: stdavidspeterstwp@gmail.com.

The purpose of the Market is to provide an opportunity to farmers and artisans in the region to sell what they produce directly to South Hills & Peters residents. The Board of Directors is made up of 7 local volunteer moms and Rev. Kris McInnes who share a passion for sustainable farming and buying local fresh products for their families. They hope to encourage relationships between producer and consumer and limit the distance food and goods travel from farm to table.

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